How Do Airplanes Affect the Environment

Got bored in your house and you are thinking of traveling into your favorite country? Well, let me tell you this. Traveling for hours in an airplane seems so wonderful, however, it can greatly affect our environment. Want to know how? Then check this out!

Climate Change

Airplanes contribute to climate change by emitting Carbon Dioxide (CO2), water vapor, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and soot. Nitrogen oxide released by an airplane contributes to climate change and destroys the stratospheric ozone layer as it is also a pollutant in the lower atmosphere.

Noise Pollution

Air traffic causes aircraft noise, which can disrupt sleep, negatively affect the school performance of children, trouble in communication, and could increase the risk for cardiovascular disease for people living near the airport. Banning or restricting planes to fly at night can help reduce sleep disruption, however, legislation for each country is different.

Air Pollution

Just like any other vehicle, the plane exhaust contains a variety of air pollutants that can potentially harm the environment. Ultrafine Particles are emitted in aircraft engines in and near airports. 167,000 piston aircraft engines in the United States burn avgas, an aviation fuel in aircraft, which releases lead into the air. 34,000 tons of lead were released into the atmosphere between 1970 and 2007 which was estimated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Leads that are ingested or inhaled can lead to negative effects on the nervous system, immune system, and cardiovascular. Also, infants and children exposed to lead can affect their performance, both behavior, and learning.

Water Pollution

Airports use and handle jet fuels, lubricants, and other chemicals that can generate significant water pollution. Cleaning equipment such as vacuum trucks, portable berms, and absorbents can be used to prevent chemical spills. Most of the deicing fluids used in cold weather fall to the ground and the liquid that flows can bring them to nearby streams, rivers, or coastal waters. Also, deicing fluids composed of ethylene glycol or propylene glycol exert high levels of biochemical oxygen demand that can harm aquatic life.